The Pills

Those blue pills they nicked.

1) How the hell did they know where to find them in a Chemists?
2) They were HUGE! Looked like suppositories.


Monkey (played by TOyah Wilcox) was the daughter of a pharmacist. It was her dad's place they broke into - she had probably told them where the supplies were.

Drinamyl (or Dexamyl) was commonly prescribed at the time - written up in songs like "Mother's Little Helper"... basically it was a combination amphetamine and barbiturate (uppers/downers) - prescribed as an antidepressant.

The street name in the 50s/60s was "Purple Hearts"; the active ingredient was reformulated, and had the street name "(French) Blues". Probably so AstraZeneca or whoever could retain patent without releasing the market to generics...

Also back then, blisterpacks were far less common.


She didn't - she tells him in the pub afterwards 'you should have told me, I could've told you where everything was'.

They WERE keen on those pills, what were they again?!


Ahh - thanks. i was going from memory.

Stash was French Blues - basically drinamyl. I think I referenced the Wikipedia article...


A combo upper downer? I'm not a drugster, so please explain. Wouldn't those two effects cancel each other out? What's the point?


Sounds like an explosive combination.

my vote history:


Isn't that what people are trying to do when they drink alcohol and Red Bull? Get stoned but stay awake. Sounds very hard on the body! FYI - you don't have to drink in a club to have fun. Many times, I've had quite a laff just watching other people as they disintegrate!


You stayed sober in a club just to watch other people get wasted?

Yeah, I'm sure you were the one laughing.

"I did it for me. I liked it!"


I'm ALWAYS the one laughing at the pathetic drunks!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
