Quadrophenia 2

I actually at work decided about 2000 to ask all the cast producers to make a 2nd film and sent all types of posts. I franked them from work and now I have been made redundant three years ago who cares. And I got letters back from John Altman {Nick Cotton} saying if they make a 2nd film I would love to be in it. Also Gary Shail worked down the road from me and I went down to Soho and said would love there to be a 2nd film. At the time people must have thought I was crazy. Sent loads of letters to Phil Daniels and Cast people saying you should cast this guy. Also I got a message back from Michael Elphick people saying would love to make a 2nd film, of course he died a way back. I was mad but just thought what if he came back and it started from there. Had ideas about In Bruges and making a 2nd film. So just shows why can it not happen?
