DVD or Video

Has this movie been available on video or DVD in Europe or North-America? I've been looking for it ever since I saw part of it on televison.
I am curious to see the full movie.


This is a film made for French Television. It has so far not been issued on DVD
but is available on VHS cassette secam colour system for a ridiculous price on Amazon France. You need to check on Amazon France from time to time to see if it has been issued on DVD but as it is a film that was made for TV, I admit there is little chance of this.


Try downloading it with bittorrent...I think there are a few torrents available.


Wait, it IS on DVD! You can get it from ebay or Amazon but the cheapest place is probably this site: http://www.vsom.com/productdetails.asp?ProductID=3288&ProcessType=0
