MovieChat Forums > Phantasm (1979) Discussion > Looking for a film...

Looking for a film...

Im trying to figure out the name of this movie that's been stuck in my head. its similar to Phantasm in that there was a scene involving silver spheres that killed...except the scene played out differently.

To my recollection, the scene took place in an upperclass restaurant, where people dressed in tuxes and dresses are dining. A figure walks in, he opens his hand revealing a few golf ball sized(or large marble sized, cant really recall) silver spheres in his hand. Something happens, either they levitate out of his hand, or he flings them, not too sure... but they end up shooting all over the room, cutting through the people. It's a very bloody scene.
I might have just dreamed it up, but it doesnt hurt to ask :P

So, any ideas of where this scene came from? or did I just imagine it?


It's one of the opening scenes of I Come In Peace. It's a sci fi/horror film from the eighties starring Dolph Lundgren. It's hard to find but you can get the trailer on youtube and its actually a decent movie. Hope this helped ya. I searched for this movie for years before I could even find the name of it, so I hope I helped save you some time!


I come In Peace? That movie was released as "The Peacemaker" here. "I come in peace" was the sentence that the villain said each time before he slashed everyone.

Never be complete.


I figured it out! It was Daywatch..or Nightwatch.. I cant remember which. XP
but the movies I now realize are fairly recent, and I got the scenes from the trailer that I saw when they came out. I feel silly, but at least i rediscovered some pretty cool movies in the process.


That would be 'Day Watch'. The dark others were having a party in the restaurant on the top floor of the Cosmos Hotel (a pretty creepy place, thought one of the sets of lifts' doors was going to take my arm off). They were like savge yo-yo type devices, if I remember correctly.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!
