funny bad movie

I saw this movie once on late night tv. It is the funniest bad movie I have ever seen. If anyone knows anything about this movie please feel free to email me [email protected]

Ok edit: Four and a half years later I have now seen this move again thanks to the dvd release, surprisingly it seemed 'better' now than it did then lol...I couldn't even spot the scene that I had in my mind all this time where the boom mic is clearly in the scene. Maybe I just missed but still worth seeing if you love bad movies. Someone somewhere should find out whatever happen to Jill Lansing.


I agree with you that this flick is a total trashy hoot. You'll be happy to know that this flick has just been released on DVD by BCI Eclipse on a nifty double bill with the equally trashy "Trip With the Teacher."

I enjoy keeping busy. Satan finds work for idle hands.


The dvd kiks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not a lady I'm an anthropologist


I have been looking for this movie for years! I saw it when I was 9 or 10 years old in the late 80s, and I didn't know the title. I'd done Google searches several times, but nothing of value came up. I finally got lucky, and I just bought the DVD. I'm so excited!!


I saw this movie late at night in the 90's, the girl really transforms from heartbroken teenager after her beau dumps her for the rich girl, to town tramp! Did she have sex with the elderly principal which caused his death due to a heart attack?


No. In his office, she'd observed that it didn't take much to bring on an attack, which required him to take a pill. When he arrives at her house, she surreptitiously takes away his medication, then she strips down to just panties and embraces him. The shock brings on another attack, but it's the removal of the pills that kills him.

What I wonder about is the ending. Is there anything at all that sets up the guys who are so well-positioned to shoot her, or do they just magically show up out of nowhere?


Yeah, if you listen carefully, you can hear Kim's ex-boyfriend telling his friends to call the police just before he gives chase.

Oh, and by the way, the use of the theme from The People's Court during the finale was beyond awesome.


This is just an ABC After School Special with nipples. >:o)
It had the same feel....
Trust me,


Yes, the "People's Court" theme and the "SCTV" synth music at the end of most scenes. What a amazingly entertaining film. It's not necessarily good, but anything this fun can never be "bad."
