Was Jackie Chan in this?

I watched this movie out of a "Jackie Chan" ultimate collection box set. It was 90 minutes or so, and Jackie Chan has roughly 8 minutes of screen time. This movie had very minimal plot and the over dubbing was hilarious. I had no idea what was happening and James Rolfe would cry in dissapointment. This movie had potential to be a sweet Asian-action-Adventure (A Triple A) However, just lost itself in awful screenplay and Jackie Chan walking beside a chicken in overalls so that they could attach his name to it. There is nothing that pisses me off more than stock footage. This movies several different titles were confusing and had no relevance to the movie. This movie was an Acid trip. Whoever picks the films going into Jackie Chan box sets should be shot. This is not the only film in the box set to not have much Jackie Chan in it. They all had very little amounts of Jackie Chan. perhaps 1 or 2 had Jackie Chan as the main character. Make a better box set please. I want to watch some real Triple As.
Fanatsy Mission Force ranks up on my worst movie's of all time list.


Whoever picks the films going into Jackie Chan box sets should be shot.

They just did it to hopefully make some money.

Yeah, I didn't like this one either, to put it politely (i. e. thought it sucked! Weird and stupid, which was too bad, it had some good satiritic [sp] moments!). Only good parts were Jackie trying to catch his chicken and...well, a couple of others I guess, I don't remember much of this one actually (/luckily).


Jackie was in it as a favour to Jimmy Wang Yu, who had intervened in a dispute between Jackie and some Triads, who'd been sent after him by Lo Wei, after Jackie tried getting out of his contract with him (Jackie had finally had success on loan to Seasonal, and had no desire to go back to being the next Bruce Lee for Lo Wei). He later did Island of Fire for the same reason.
