MovieChat Forums > Mad Max (1980) Discussion > Times sure have changed since Mad Max ca...

Times sure have changed since Mad Max came out.

Back then everyone just thought Max was a cool action movie character and completely understood his motivations for revenge.

Now almost 40 years later, people are debating about whether Toecutter was a better human being than Max, and if Johnny the Boy was Max's innocent victim, and whether having Max's wife and son murdered was too intense.

As far as their "sensitivity level" goes, people seem to have changed from Mad Max and Jim Goose into those two guys in the tacky suits who let Johnny out of jail


Are we truly Free or are we slaves under the Law?

Hero or Villain?

Which side are you on and how do you see it?

Each side justifies their actions.

Which side is the most "FREE"?

Is Anarchy the result of TRUE freedom?

Chaos and destruction, order and peace?


Wtf are you talking about?
