
This is about the friend who said Joel was different from the other kids in that he was extremely lonely.

I know this feeling so well. And drugs accompanied. Not hard drugs, just mary j.Like your the only one whos experiencing the world, wandering...you feel almost ostracized from your peers.

Like no one is holding you down, grounding you to reality.

Has anyone ever felt like this? And the only thing that makes the loneliness feel better is talking for awhile, and then drugs. more drugs. Sometimes they don't make you feel better, they just enhance the feeling.

But in some ways thats a good thing, because feeling alone...and pulling away from people...can almost feel good. its an independence thing.

just thoughts.


I would imagine everyone feels that way to some extent. No matter how popular you are, or famous, there's still that inner-self who feels different, inadequate, alone, and misunderstood. Some hide it better than others but it is there.


I agree with Davie.

The trick is to find less dangerous ways to deal with things or loneliness, until you are old enough or in a position to change your circumstances.

It gets better... please don't give in until it does.
