Is this the one?

I have a vampire movie I used to watch when I was little. A couple of scenes I rememeber is him coming off the airplane cargo, and his coffin is upright. It goes under a bar and hits his head, and is startled by being knocked over. Another scene is him and a chick in her bed about to make love and he bites her, and then she's suprised. A few seconds later his lackie makes a sound like a rooster crow. I also remember at the end the girl Dracula's been persuing gets changed over, as the boyfriend shows up to watch it happen... anyone tell me if this is the movie, and if not what the correct one is?


Not this movie. The part with the girl screaming sounds like Young Frankenstein. Not sure about the rest. Young Frankenstein also has a scene with the monster & doctor dancing on stage together. It is a hilarious movie.


I just got done watching it, and while it isn't the movie I was looking for, it is rather funny.

I just remember a really big bed and her saying "Oh! Did you just bite me?" and then a bit later them commenting that there are no roosters in new york.


Actually, this IS the movie you are looking for. We just finished watching "Love At First Bite" and the scenes you refer to are all there.

This is one of our favorite movies - the "dynamite hickey" scene cracks us up!


I think you are correct about this being that film. At least the part about Renfield doing the rooster crowing to alert Dracula that the sun is going to rise is in here.


Thank you both. I finally got my hands on it, and you were correct... it is! I enjoyed every minute of it.


I was going to answer your question firstRainbowRose but you already received your answers from the other two people. This is an absolute classic to watch and I loved it!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Yes I remember seeing that and it has been ages since I have seen this movie here! I loved it and would watch it when I knew it was on TV.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


You are correct about this because it is the movie! I have not seen this movie in ages and remember USA Network back in the day of its better programming use to show this and I believe USA UP ALL NIGHT showed it as well on a Friday and Saturday night!

This is a absolute classic to watch! You do not see movies like this being made anymore these days.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!
