MovieChat Forums > Long Weekend (1979) Discussion > Am I the only person who's seen this fil...

Am I the only person who's seen this film?

So what was all that about enlarged holes and tight cracks?


I have, and I loved it!

The first rule of Smut Club, is that you do not talk about nipples.


No, i have it seen many years ago, but it is very *beep* rare!
P.S.: the vote of IMDB is serious? 5 for that movie! C'mon: it's 10, 10, 10...
(sorry for my english)


i´ll give 9 of ten!

i saw it often when it was new + fresh and i liked it very much.
i never was scared by it - there is no real danger: they make it all theirselves, have danger + death inside themselves and their behaviour.

it´s great, how that nature- disdaining people judge and put to death themselves with the "medium" nature-destain. (there´s only the dog which is condemned to death, too; but in the great, on whole earth, we (our spezies) do the same: destroy usselves and all others.)

hope, i expressed it right - i´m not english speaking, too.




No I've seen this film and it's excellent. Very eerie and makes for gripping viewing. I would LOVE to get my hands on a copy of this video. I've got it taped but it's not the best recording in the world.


Saw it as a kid on TV and it really creeped me out. Not seen it for many years, and wonder if it is genuinely scary or if I was just to young to tell it was rubbish...


Me too, saw it on TV as a kid by accident and tried to tell my sister about it the next day. Never ever heard of it again til now.


No !.I finally got the Australian region 0 dvd which is pretty good quality.I have not seen the film for about 10 years since it was last on BBC 2.It's quite a creepy little effort which I liked a lot.Interesting to see that the cover of the dvd states it's an uncut version,though I was never aware of cuts.Worth picking up if you can track it down.I would like the Peter Weir film The Last Wave as well.


Go here:

Great anamorphic transfer, 5.1 sound and an interview with Weir. Get it now!

"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent." - Ludwig Wittgenstein



i would say 7/10 or 8/10...really cool flick!



I saw it today.

It's alright.

A lot of things go unexplained though.


watch it with the commentary.

"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*


Did you want things to be explained? All it needs from the viewer is that he/ she goes with the flow of the story (I know there's a better word for it, but it escaps me right now), not question the things that happen and it's a great fun an eerie film. If you start to question why/how nature attacks and such then I think you're missing the point. It has no hidden meaning. It's just that if you screw with nature, nature will screw you back...hard.


I saw this film about 10 years ago, and it freaked me out! It's chilling! such a simple story-yet so effective! Everything left to the imagination-now that's clever!!

It finally came out on DVD this year so I couldn't wait to get my hands on it!

I'm really surprised that not a lot of people have heard of this film, but i like it's cult following! Feels like i'm in a little family!! lol!!

Just kidding!



My Parents recommended the film to me and I am so glad they did. I'm not putting down modern cinema, there are some real gems out there (e.g. The Descent), but this really captures the atmosphere better than most films. I started off feeling sorry for the woman and ending up hating them both. Everything was in their hands and they just didn't open their eyes to it.

An amazing piece of cinema. I'm 23, most people my own age haven't heard of it, but some of my friends that are older than me have seen it and it's had an inpact on every one of them.

Let's hope they never soil the reputation of this film with a remake.


Great movie, loved it. I need to see some more of the Australian New Wave - this really impressed me.



I've seen this film for the first time, when I was 12, and I'm terribly anxious to see it again. I think you didn't get the point. Do you?
I liked this film very much, because nature is the one can not deffend from a man, but in this film it gets different proportions. That's why I liked it so much. It is poetic, it is a good fary tale. But it is also true and realistic in the relation we have with mother nature - and it is aufull. Hope this film could bring people to think and to change their interaction with nature. Hope it'll be seen more, than it was. Hope it became more populare and diffuse. I think everyone should see it. But I also hope people wan't look only for bloody horror scenes in it, but ratter promove it like a masterpiece of how nature should react on our interaction, if it only had this power to do it.

Thanks a lot for this film


You are not alone :)

People who speak in metaphors should shampoo my crotch


I'm a Brit who saw this film long ago in my early teens and bought the DVD last year. This film remain as one of a very select few films that have honestly scared me (Rosemary's baby and the Wicker man being the first other two that come to mind). The theme of nature being a malevelant force is very strong in this film but at the same time I felt no sympathy for either of the two charactors whciih is odd for a film, no one won but it didn't matter to me. I would like other films to take on the theme of nature more as this one does although I know the remake if it happens will be a disaster!
