Yes, I must be.

So what was all that about enlarged holes and tight cracks?


No, you're not!!!
I've seen that one many times, I even had an old videotape who sadly died on me. I think it's a great picture, eerie, fascinating - and I must say I do not understand the comments I've been reading on the Imdb (kitsch ? where ???).


Where can one get a copy of this movie. I have heard it is great. I want to see it. ATB Matthew


me too!

I loved it when I first saw it back when it was made, and would like to see it again as a more 'mature' person, ha ha.

It may have been a crappy cheap, less than perfect movie, but I never forgot it.
So, in my mind, that is the making of a great film.


this film is not crap, i would like to see any modern horror film try and stand up aslong as this film has.


No you're not the only one. I saw it as a bored teen in 80's Britain in the middle of the night when nothing else was on TV. I thought it was going to be lame but was pleasantly surprised. I'd love to get a copy of this movie. I thought over the years I must've dreamt the whole plot or something because NOBODY else I have asked has seen it.


Alas my friends you are not alone! This is one of the best low-budget, almost unheard of films I've ever seen! I was delighted when it came to DVD this year! I saw it about 10 years or so ago, on a cold wet night in Glasgow on Channel 4 (I think) or maybe BBC2. It was chilling then and it still is today!




I've seen this film for the first time, when I was 12, and I'm terribly anxious to see it again. I think you didn't get the point. Do you?
I liked this film very much, because nature is the one can not deffend from a man, but in this film it gets different proportions. That's why I liked it so much. It is poetic, it is a good fary tale. But it is also true and realistic in the relation we have with mother nature - and it is aufull. Hope this film could bring people to think and to change their interaction with nature. Hope it'll be seen more, than it was. Hope it became more populare and diffuse. I think everyone should see it. But I also hope people wan't look only for bloody horror scenes in it, but ratter promove it like a masterpiece of how nature should react on our interaction, if it only had this power to do it.

Thanks a lot for this film


Hi !!!
Sorry but is this animal attack type movie ?? Something like Day of the animals ??
There are killer animals in it ?? I'm asking because I saw it on DVD Empire in horror category : Killer Animals.



Brilliant film.
