MovieChat Forums > Long Weekend (1979) Discussion > Switch thingy under the seat...

Switch thingy under the seat...

When they decided to leave he pulled the seat up and turned a switch knob. And later she does the same...
I was wondering what it was since I can't find any info on it on the inet.


I had the same question and still have.
The only thing I could speculate is that this switch is for the battery connection.I remember Peter in the film who switch it after the fight with his wife. If my theory is true, that makes scenes cause Peter didn't want his wife to take the car and leave him.
I may be dead wrong of course. If you have found the answer, by now please let me know too. Thanks.


An earlier scene in the film he says he switched it on to the alternative battery to run the fridge when she can't drive off, she obviously does not know much about the car. So you can only use one battery at a time in the car in the film. Later on she discovers that knob which turns the two batteries off and on, so she can start the car. I am not sure how that works in real life but it's a movie reason why she could not leave early.
