poor dog!!!

It's strange, but I saw This movie soooooooooooo long ago and I don't remember if it liked me or not or anything about the plot... the only thing I remembered was when the dog (in a very cruel way) dies. Am I normal?????? Is this movie as awful for forgetting almost everything????



I laughed my ass off. How many movies has the only survivor being a dog, a cat or a child. About time they broke with convention.


I walked out of the theater after that scene, I was only 10 years old and it freaked me out.

Movies are rated for a reason! But I bugged my family so much about letting me see this space movie (it was the era of Star Wars and the empire strikes back) I somehow managed to convince them, and my nanny accompanied me, only to beg her to walk out. She wanted to stay and see the ending :D


poor dog!!!
"Just something to eat."

For your Alien & Predator fix:


lol The should of left out of the shot of the dog on the ground that was just hilarious.



No only does the dog meets a cruel end, but he also suffers an indignity when Havey Keitel "inspects" him. Entertaining movie, though.
