MovieChat Forums > H.O.T.S. Discussion > For Those Of You Who Are USA UP ALL NIGH...

For Those Of You Who Are USA UP ALL NIGHT!

I just thought I would let everyone know that I am trying to help bring back a great show that use to be on at one time on the weekends until NBC bought out the USA Network. Here is a petition that you guys can sign and if you have friends or know people who are fans of this show please pass it on! Let's get this back on the air!

Thanks again!



How far can you shove the petition in your "down there" area?



What do you mean by that? All I am trying to do is let fans of USA UP ALL NIGHT know that I am trying along with some friends to bring this back on the weekends again.

USA Network no longer owns the rights to USA UP ALL NIGHT and Rhonda Shear does. So if some major network was to be interested in having this on late on a Friday and Saturday night then she can work an agreement with them on this.

Plus, thanks to those who have signed the petition Rhonda Shear has her own reality show that will be airing and it is called PANTY RAID with her, her husband, and some friends wearing some of Rhonda Shears lingerie that she has made.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


And clearly nobody cares.
Now let's get back to you implanting things up your ass.



If no one cares about it then why does it continue to grow every day, week and month then may I ask? You must love things going up your butt it seems like because you talk about it a lot.

Possibly you should have it done to you! LOL

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Ooooh. 13917 signatures. Out of 6 billion people on the planet.
Yeah you've got a real movement going. LOL.



Well it has grown since the last time I posted guy. It grows every day, week and month! Well it has increased since the last time I checked it. Now it is at 14,031 signatures and continues to grow every day, week, and month guy. It is going slowly but I know when it hits a pretty good size number I bet you will see old fans of USA UP ALL NIGHT come out of the wood work to sign the petition. Trust me on that!

Just give it some time it is going to continue to grow buddy. I am not worried about it.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Wow less than 50 signatures!



Well it is still growing guy! Right now the petition is at 14,213 signatures. It just hit over 14,000 the other day and it continues to grow. So I am not going to complain about it. You can join in and help by signing the petition if you would like because could use all of the help that can get.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I'd rather not jump on something that only idiot Americans would care about.



Did you ever watch this when it was on back in the day? Cause when USA UP ALL NIGHT was on I was in high school when I started to watch it. They would show some movies that no one else would show. Plus, the programming today is awful. Every network wants to show the same shos that another one is showing.

Why do that when you could be showing something that showed movies that were cheesy and great to watch! I would rather watch a marathon of movies that USA UP ALL NIGHT use to show than Law&Order, NCIS, or any other crime and drama show that they have on now. Those were the days where they would show these movies during the day on the weekend which was great!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Just ignore "Arthur". I went to "Arthur's" blog and he/she/it seems like a very bitter, hateful creature. In other words, nothing special...a dime a dozen here on imdb. USA Up All Night rocked!

"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule."


I am use to it by now because I could name several people like Arthur who do not want to see USA UP ALL NIGHT back on the weekends once again. I do not know why or understand unless they did not like it when it was on.

Some of these people do not understand that when a show that is great is removed for the programming of today which really sucks. I cannot stand all of this crime, drama, reality shows, and the other crap that they put on now.

I do not know why they cannot have mainstream on during the day until like late at night on a Friday and Saturday night and then go to something like a USA UP ALL NIGHT you know. Thanks and I am glad that you liked USA UP ALL NIGHT when it was on!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!





No I find todays programming a bore! USA UP ALL NIGHT made the weekends very interesting to watch! I love the movies and hosts that they had on there!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


You live in a country that requires a 700 billion dollar bailout, and you're making THIS your cause.
This is why you need a 700 billion dollar bailout.



Yes it is a cause and I loved watching USA UP ALL NIGHT back in the day when it was on. They showed some classic movies like H.O.T.S., all of the Porky's movies, Satans Cheerleaders, and many more classic movies.

I take it that you live in another country Arthur which yes we are requiring a $700 billion bailout. I do not agree with it but it must be done though in order to get this country out of the mess it is in. I am sure your country or where ever you may live would also do the same thing that United States is doing.

Someone has to fight for what they love and I have fought for my country as well and those who have died before I have serving this great country of ours. I am third generation Navy and followed my grandfather, my fathers footsteps even though I did not accomplish my goal and that was to be higher than a E-5 in the Navy.

I have the medals and the ribbons to prove that I have fought for my country guy and I am very proud of what I have done.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Are you serious?
God, I adore mentally lazy Americans.



Yes these were classic movies and I am very serious about it! I am not a lazy American I hate to say. You would not even survive on what I did in the Navy because you would more than likely screw something up or jeapordize a mission and we would all be caught by the enemy.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I'd be more than happy to turn you over to the enemy.



No it sounds like you would be the enemy to be honest with you. Right now the petition is nearing 15,000 signatures! There is a total of right now 14,732 signatures and continues to grow! There is nothing you can do about it guy and if you do not like it then you have a problem.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Wow 14732 ooooh.
That would be just under 5% of the population. Wow that's a petition on fire!
Holy smokes!

It's now 14955

233 additional signatures!

Geeze, this is going to storm the world.

You're a joke!



Whatever man! At least it is growing right? I am sure there are still fans out there who do not know that this website and petition is out there for them to see and sign the petition but it will get noticed trust me on that!

I do not really care on what you think!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Well Arthur I do not think you have heard the good news then. Back in August or September I and some other people received a email from Rhnda Shear who use to host USA UP ALL NIGHT on Friday nights told us that her and a former executive producer of USA UP ALL NIGHT are working on a special for USA Network to show.

They have to speak with USA Network to see if they would do that or not. What I am saying is thanks to me and the many of othe fans who signed the petition has helped to possibly get a special on USA Network in the near future and you also have to realize that Rhonda Shear is in the process of getting some major network to pick up PANTY RAID her reality show that she made with her husband, and a few friends wearing her line of lingerie.

So that there tells you the petition has helped and I do not know why you are running your mouth for. You should sit back and be quiet in my honest opinion!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Boy this was a good thread.......


Ooooh Rhonda Shear won't have to work at McDonalds anymore and you think it's because of a petition? Someone is shell-shocked.



Rhonda Shear never has worked at a McDonalds you idiot! I know she went to college and who knows what she did working to make money. The petition is helping out and continues to grow. Since the last time I spoke to you the petition still continues to grow and gets larger everyday, week, month, and year!

I do not know why you want to be a pain for when about trying to get this show back. I loved USA UP ALL NIGHT because they showed a lot of films that you do not see anyone show at all because they want to set themselves apart by showing movies that cater to other peoples tastes.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I think we can only imagine what she did for money.



She also sells segments of her on USA UP ALL NIGHT, she has her own line of lingerie that she sells now on The Home Shopping Network, and whatever kind of businesses that she may dabble into in order for her to make some money.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


HOTS was a fantastic film and I even have it on DVD (I only have about 10 films on DVD so I really rate it).

In any event, it has NOTHING to do with Up All Night. More spam from you then.

For everybody else, if youre tired of seeing RobBase's idiotic spam, please sign my petition. Thanks.

