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Action in 70's Martial Arts/Action Movies

This movie, to me, seems to suffer from the opposite problem of what a lot of films of the genre have. That is, usually there is so much non stop action it gets tedious and repetitive until the sound effect of cabbages being hit by baseball bats or whatever it is resounds in your ears for hours afterwards, and watching you start to zone out until some dialogue wakes you up. This one on the other hand has a lot of moments where it seems about to get into some action and then it doesn't, and there's a long confusing speech that leads us to the next long confusing speech. Granted, that's more like real life which generally is full of confusion and tedium and not too many flying windshield kicks, but what's the point of watching a movie that's too much like life?

My question is, any recommendations for 70's martial arts films that sort of hit the sweet spot between drama and action? One that right away springs to my mind is Enter the Dragon, but are there others?

Though when you come down to it, I'd rather non stop action than non stop exposition, but a balance is nice.


You, my friend, need to get into Hong Kong cinema. That's where all the action was in the '70s. Shaw Brothers movies.
