No remake

To all the hard workers at Warner Brother studios.

Last week while standing in line at a local Giant Eagle, I was reading an arical in a entertainment weekly magazine and read that they were thinking about remaking this movie with Paul Newman in George Burns role. This maybe a funny movie for senors 70 and over and those who enjoy the 2 Grumpy Old men and the Crew. I have not seen this movie, and I heard that this movie really dumb. Wanted to rent it like 16 years ago and my dad did not want me to rent this movie because he told me that it not a funny movie where a bunch of elderly guys rob a bank. You elderly folks tell that to your grandchildren. So please whatever you do. So Please for the love of god, do not remake this movie. There are some movies I would love to see remade like 10. So please take my word



The article in Entertainment Weekly was merely a suggestion from the writers of the magazine - it's not actually in the works. I love this movie and shame on you for commenting on it like that without having seen it. It's very funny and also quite moving; one of the best 'unknown' films of the 1970's.

And yes, hopefully it doesn't ever get remade.


Yes, don't talk about something you haven't seen. This movie is a masterpiece and needs no remake.


If they did remake this I would not mind seeing Clint Eastwood, Nicholson, Redford/ Freeman do this movie.


I was thinking Betty White, Elaine Stritch, and Carol Channing in a remake...


Check IMDb, there's a remake set for production. It will star Morgan Freeman, Alan Arkin, and Michael Caine, and be directed by Zach Braff (the goofball from "Scrubs"). Tony Bill, who produced the original, is producing the remake. The release is scheduled for May 6, 2016.

Of course, that's as of now...


There was a remake --- 2017

Micael Cane, Alan Arkin and Morgan Freeman

It was pretty good
