When the Saints come etc

Am I the only one to notice how they're playing When the Saints come marching in?
True the major was a fan of American jazz, BUT lets not forget Roger Moore also used to play: THE SAINT.

I'm sure it was a nod to that show.




What did you think of Moore's accent?

"Why so serious?" - The Joker


Much as I'm among one of his biggest fans.

What accent?



From what I saw, wasn't he playing a German or Austrian officer and trying to do the accent aswell?

"Why so serious?" - The Joker


Another funny reference in this movie : when Charlie is walking around the archaeological site soon after his arrival, he meets an American prisoner and asks him, 'Are you still here?' This doesn't make much sense in the movie since Charlie has only just arrived, but that unnamed prisoner, whom we never see again, is played by William Holden, star of the great 1953 prison-camp movie 'Stalag 17'.


More likely they didn't have to pay royalties, I only watched for a few minutes and noticed "Saints" and also "I've Been Working on the Railroad"


The great Lalo Schifren gets the music credit. As great as he was, I don't think he wrote When the Saints Go Marching In, Glory, Glory to South Sydney (aka The Battle Hymn of the Republic) or I've Been Working on the Railroad.
