The Green Inferno

This is one of those movies where you either like it or hate it. For years I have heard about Cannibal Holocaust and how controversial it was. I finally viewed it and I have to admit the entire thing disgusted me. I don't mind horror movies but I also like to be scared and my sanity challenged. CH did not even come close to being scary however there were times I felt I was losing my grip on reality. The documentary style footage did push me close to the edge on occasion before I remembered it was just a film. The genuine animal torture/murder bothered me a lot. In this case the fact that the animals were consumed by the tribe does not matter. There is no reason to show actual animals suffering. The Last Road To Hell segment bothered me as well. Mostly because that footage was made up of actual newsreels of real executions from Indonesia and Africa (Nigeria). The argument that real animals needed to be slaughtered to illustrate man's inhumanity towards nature don't hold water. In fact it is a crock of shit. Why not illustrate your point by using fake animals?


Are you a vegetarian? If not, you're a hypocrite, Those tasty animals you eat, suffer even if you don't see it.
