this movie is gangsta

all the people talking bad about this movie are all from hick ville because this is a good movie to see,it gets oldschool gangsta with it!



The people who dont like this movie are those white people who don't understand the chicano culture. They would rather watch movies where blacks be shooting each other, because that is what is more mainstream these days. Boulevard nights is a far better film that some of the newer gangsta movies that have come out in recent years. I remember seeing this one in the theaters, years ago. I had to have been about 3 or 4 years old. I didnt remember what it was about, I just remember the lowriders hopping. Years later when it was released on VHS, it became one of my favorite movies of all time. This needs to be released on DVD.

I kick ass for the Lord!


i know wut u mean but the word chicano is a bad racsist name the whites gave us. the chi also means *beep* and con means were ciminals thats why they gave us that name


What does chi mean?, i noticed your definition was edited out.



You need to check your facts. The term "Chicano" was not invented or put upon us by whites. More than anything for the last 30 years it has been used to describe people of Mexican decent in the U.S., especially those that are socially aware of their particular situation; weather it be social, cultural or political. Prior the the 70's many people that wanted to assimilate believed it to be a negative term, but that's hardl the case now.


I reject the term Chicano, particularly because of its past association with extreme leftist and separatist groups. I identify myself as first and foremost an American, then Hispanic, then Latino, then Mexican (in that order)


good for you. "now you can go watch a good wholesome "american" film starring your fellow "american" Lindsey Lohan, or some other twit.



Of course she is gay, not that theres anything wrong with it.



If it shows cool downtown shots of L.A. at night, I'm watching this tonight! City of Angels, City of Lights, for sure! So cool....
"Now, I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a coupla titties!"


What about the term 'Cholo'? One time, in L.A., a dude askind if I was with the Cholos!?!
"Now, I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a coupla titties!"



