
That's the singular description of this movie and especially of the 2 leading actresses role. I'm not saying it's a lousy film, far from it, but none of the characters elicit an ounce of empathy or compassion for their ruinous lives. At the risk of sounding like the misogynistic remnant of Quebec masculinity, which is a pole apart from my essence, Marie Tifos Michelle impels outlawing single motherhood. There, I said it. But is that any more bombastic and offensive than what this "mother" subjected her daughter to?

If it can be found watch it. What you see in the first few moments is the rest of the movie. God forbid there should be a judgement call or anything. But its import did trigger a strong reaction, something that Batman 15 or the latest CGI irritant cannot do.

what ails most madmen is realitys grasp or escape, a paralysis of analysis


The characters of Réjean Ducharme, while larger than life in some aspects, are also always very true to life. The characters are ugly, unembellished, human. They are not virtuous, they are poor, miserable, and they hit very close to the sad reality of many.

The essence is tragic. Like the Greek poets, the author is not trying to instill any moral values. He merely observes the world of humanity, which he is a part of. He depicts life in all its ugliness.
