Fun space adventure

This film is said to have been a counter to Star Wars. It borrowed quite a few elements.
However, it is a good space film.

The scientist was nuts. Maximilian Schell played the scientist well.
The acting from the other crew were ok. I thought Ernest Borgnine's acting was pretty wooden.

The sets were great. Representation of space and the black hole was also good.
They really spent money on this film. As far as I remember it did not too well.


I loved the idea that the captain turned the human crew of the ship into Androids. The Androids looked great.

I enjoyed this.


The main problem with this movie was that the script wasn't very good. It had great ideas, but the execution was flawed. It should have been a murder mystery, action film that took place in space with some light horror elements mixed in. However, what we got was a movie that couldn't decide if it wanted to be a kiddie Sci-fi film or an adult Sci-fi film.

I will admit that the special effects (for the most part) hold up really well. The Cygnus's exterior was an awesome design. It's probably one of the spookiest looking spaceships ever put to film. It looks like a gothic castle or something. the interior shots are wonderful as well. While watching the film it really feels like the action is taking place on a HUGE spaceship.

The Black hole itself looks ominous and believable.

Maximillion is evil looking, menacing and intimidating. That design could have been used to great effect in a horror capacity. The fact that it never says a single word during the entire film adds to its eeriness.

The sentry troops are cool looking, but the fact that they move so slowly was (for me) a letdown. However, Reinhardt was in the middle of nowhere so perhaps he didn't have the materials to make faster moving robots.

The cast is a great ensemble of known actors and a known actress. However, aside from Maximillian Shell the rest of the cast are particularly wooden. I'm not sure why as I have seen all of them in other roles and they were all fantastic.

I like the humanoids. They are creepy. Especially the one that walked with a limp. While watching, the viewer knew that something odd was going on, on the ship but we didn't know what it was. I wish Kate would have found out which one was her father.

The film was not a complete failure. It did make a 15 million dollar profit. So, while it wasn't a runaway hit, it was successful.

My favorite part of the entire film was when Captain Holland was walking down the long hallway where are of the empty sleeping quarters were. There was so much atmosphere in that scene. It was dark, and creepy. It gave off a serious vibe that the filmmakers should have stuck with.

As flawed as it is, I really love this movie.


Thanks for your thoughts.


I recall it getting a little slow at times. For some reason, though, I saw it twice in the theater.


I saw it once in the theater. I was around 3 years old at the time and went into hysterics when old Bob died and they left him behind.
