underrated 70s action gem

Avalanche Express is one of those late 70s action movies with lots of big names. I've only seen this once but loved what I saw. You have Lee Marvin, Mike Connors, Robert Shaw, Vladek Sheybal, Maximillian Schell, Horst Bucholtz, even Joe Namath!! They don't make films like these anymore.




Is this available anywhere? :(



Havent' seen this in about 20 years. Not sure if I'd feel the same way now, but I have to admit I did rather enjoy this oddly-cast but still action-packed international thriller. Shaw's voice being dubbed was the only thing I remember having much of a problem with, but otherwise it was quite a fun ride.


I'd never caught up with it till recently and it is worth "a fun ride". But not in the normal sense; more in the so bad it's funny sense.

Yes, the dubbing of Shaw's voice has it's own pleasures, but he's not the only one. Check out Horst Buchholz sounding nothing on earth like he sounded in The Magnificent Seven.

I love the way the train stopped every so often for an ambush /gun battle. Carriages get shot up, but all the other passengers carry stoically on, as if it were just another day. There's no screaming or panic. It's as if they're accustomed to that sort of thing happening on a regular basis.


This movie summed up perfectly the blandness,depressing and closterphobic arora of all that is 'cold war'.


The only thing I remember from this film was the moment where Joe Namath, with a big smile on his face, confronts a suicide bomber on the train and says, "Hey, take it EASY!"


Nice! I'll have to watch this sometime.
