MovieChat Forums > The Attic Discussion > Bad, Bad Librarian

Bad, Bad Librarian

I can forgive Louise for tying pig-iron to the librarian image so it sinks even deeper into the morass of occupational misinformation, but does she have to play a STUPID librarian? Her "monkey" collection of stuffed animals is made up of toy chimpanzees. The pet shop sign reads "monkey" but it's a young chimp she buys. The word "monkey" is uttered repeatedly in the film, and not once does anyone correct it (although her father refers to Dickey as an ape, apparently a male ape; note the credits list the part as played by "Angel"). It would be okay for Louise to be a sex-starved, suicidal lush as long as she knew her primates!

I also wonder if Wichita in 1979 was as backward as is portrayed, with a push lawnmower and dial telephones and ladies clothing circa 1958.



Why are you so concerned about the chimp/ape/monkey issue? Might you be the missing link? I mean, what a diatribe that was!

As for the clothes, notice that her young friend Emily wears the typical 70's outfits. But of course Louise had to be more spinster-like, to befit her character,and they therefore had her wearing slightly outdated clothes.


I also wondered if the writers/producers maybe intended the movie to be set in a slightly earlier time than the late 70s when it was made. It's sort of a sequel/spinoff of "The Killing Kind" which was made in the early 70s (though I don't know if that was the time period within that movie.)

Anyway, she was living in that old house with her father - who knows how long he and his ancestors been in it. It makes sense that the phone and tools would be very dated. (I remember going to my great-grandmother's house and all her electrical outlets had adaptors because they were so old and didn't work with modern electric plugs.) Plus, having everything so old-fashioned added to the Gothic atmosphere of Louise's world.


"Angel" can be a boys name or a girls name.

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People were kind of stupid about animals back then . I remember in the whole first season of The Addams Family Kitty Cat was referred to as a she , when it was obviously a male lion!


No, Wichita in '79 wasn't that backward. Heck, we even had some of them horseless carriages!
Kidding aside, I agree with some of the other posters that the director of the film probably wanted it to portray an earlier time. I watched this with some of my actor friends in Wichita after it came out on video, as the director of the show we were in, was in the movie, and the scene that made us laugh out loud was when a sailor came walking down the aisle of the movie theater. Kansas is landlocked, so no sailors around there.


No, the movie is set in '79, because when Louise has sex with the sailor, she says, "Your name is Robert, it's 1960, and we're in love." Robert disappeared nineteen years before the action takes place. Also, my grandmother and aunt had dial telephones until the late 1980s.


no here in wichita we are only two years behind in fashion.


But you absolutely must love that old WSU Sweater lol.

If you like hokey Wichita-filmed movies, check out King Kung Fu!

"Is that you crawling up my stairs?"
