Not on Netflix

Unfortunately this title does not exist in the netflix library. Too bad. I'd like to see it again, but don't feel like buying it. I'm going to request it to be added to netflix. Anyone that agrees should do likewise.

Please refrain from bashing me and telling me to quit being cheap and just buy it. I never buy anything without renting it at least once.

Treedonkey - an Agile Arboreal Equine


It is impossible for Netflix to add what does not exist.


Why do people make smart-alec comments without even taken five-seconds to check their facts first?

Otterprods, to keep those aquatic Mustelidae in line.


Netflix only deals with official releases; you're not going to get a Region 2 disc in Region 1 or a foreign PAL tape transferred. Also at the time that guy posted that comment (2007), Netflix's Instant Viewing was in its infancy and certainly wasn't featuring titles that were not on DVD.
