Hilarious Visual Joke

I just purchased this version even though I saw it years ago on PBS as a child.

Check out Episode 2 at the assembly where Lizzie is waiting for Wickham to show. She makes a big complaint to Charlotte about him not being present and she dressed for him. Mind, she is fanning herself and when she moves her fan, it reveals a dress with a lot of decolletage. LOL I spit my coffee out at that joke.


Joke? Decolletage was the fashion of the time. You must not have seen many portraits of women from that era.


Did you even watch this version? The actress in this film spends most of the mini-series with lace inserts covering up the low neckline.


None of the other evening gowns she was dressed in were quite that low cut. It was meant to be a joke.


If you look at the shot Kaskait is referring to and compare it to other scenes where Lizzy is wearing a low cut gown I think you’ll see the difference. At the assembly room ball I think she is wearing the same gown (if not it’s very similar with the same dot pattern in the sleeve) but there’s still a difference.



Oh I get it now. That Jane Austen cracks me up.


LOL I didn't catch that till you pointed it out.
