DVDs full dubbed?

So this show was released twice on DVD, once with the last episodes only subbed, then again when they were later dubbed, right?

Can anyone tell me for sure which set this is, in Australia, 16 discs?

I assume it's the full dubbed version, but aren't sure with the little info on the website. It is the best looking set I've seen too.
Anyone have it?
Dubbed and original Japanese by chance?

Also while I'm here, no chance for Blu-ray I assume?


If I can, I'd have both the original and english dubbing.


Me too, ideally.
This might be the only case where I'd pick the dubbed over original language though. That's what I loved as a kid.


Yeah Monkey and certain spaghetti westerns are pretty much the only things where I'd take dubbed over the original language tracks, just because the dubbed versions have such charm and personal nostalgic value to them for me.
