This or Dallas?

Which show do you prefer to watch?




I love "Dallas" but "Knots" is the far, far better show in every way.



Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


I preferred Dallas (especially the first six or seven seasons) to Knots Landing.


Definitely Knots for me.


Knots. 100%.




I like both, I think it depends on the season.


I like Dallas better, but I also like this one. Where are the rest of the DVD's???

Actors are mere products of a good writer's imagination


Knots Landing for me. I could identify with the characters more. After a while, Dallas seemed to become a parody of itself and kind of jumped the shark. The Bobby Ewing dying/not dead was when they jumped the shark for me and I stopped watching after that. It had to be one of the dumbest things I've seen a television show do. I've seen every episode of Knots Landing and loved every episode. I mourned the loss of favorite characters Sid, Ciji, and was happy to see some leave Joshua, Richard.

Dallas had more flamboyant characters, especially JR of course, but they had better PR since the "Who shot JR?" in 1980-81 season, just made people crazy. I still remember seeing bumper stickers on cars, t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc. But KL had nothing close to that kind of PR. And, it still prevailed for 14 seasons and has always been my favorite of the night-time soaps from the late 1970's, 1980's and on-ward. I even scheduled my classes in college around their tv schedule, I actually dropped a class because the instructor kept going over the time limit and made me miss the first half hour of the show.



Both shows jumped the shark more than once, but Knots did it far more often. The writers on Knots had nothing else to do than decide which normal character was going to suddenly veer into being a psychotic killer next. I got very tired of that. We watched the last few seasons out of nothing more than inertia. Additionally, Knots was supposed to be a counter-balance to Dallas in that it was intended to be about a middle class neighborhood. However, the writers couldn't resist the temptation to rather quickly take it into the same kind of "rich people and big business" that was Dallas. And they didn't do that nearly as well as Dallas.
