A wierd memory

Have you ever seen a Percival Lowell map of Mars with thin canals crisscrossing it?

https://www.google.com/search?q=percival+lowell+map+of+mars&biw=10 24&bih=682&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei= CiLhVJ6YBubgsASU94GoBA&ved=0CB0QsAQ

I didn't like the character John Femia played in Hello Larry but had to admit that John was a cute looking kid, except...

I seem to have a memory of seeing close ups of John's face in Hello Larry with thin greenish lines crisscrossing it.

Was that just some weird kind of false memory, or did the make up person play a prank on him, or was his face sewn back together after some terrible accident, or what?
