Harvest Queen

Julie Anne Haddock AKA Cindy Webster first runner up and koren maiden of the Harvest Fair. Cindy Webster should have been Harvest Queen. Julie Anne the prettiest and most beautiful girl on the Facts Of Life. There is nothing like a beautiful tomboy/athletic girl. God bless you Julie Anne Haddock.


You started a new thread?


Yes, I did, Julie Anne rocked.


Cindy looked great in the class reunion ep. They said she became a model. Andy said she was got and wanted to get her autograph. Maybe it was George.


Julie Anne the prettiest girl on FOL, left Hollywood in 1986; reunion episode last acting credit. She sings at her church and does fundraising..She didn't get the breaks Molly Ringwald got..Julie Anne a much prettier girl and a better actress.


Blair was prettier.


Blair was very pretty but she in an interview said Cindy was the prettiest on the show.


I think Cindy was pretty but, I think Sue Ann was prettier....
