I want a reboot of this

I would love to see this rebooted. This show was awesome. I would love to see another take or maybe a movie on it.


A reboot would be nothing like the original show. It would be very dark, both literally (turn the brightness way up to see anything), and figuratively. Buck would be a woman (Starbuck BSG 2, New Ghostbusters). A 2nd tier character would end up being the central focus. There would be no good natured flirting nor humor. Female Buck would be dark, brooding, and hateful. Her ex domestic partner would be stalking her or vice versa. The show would be filmed mostly on earth or earthlike dark, dirty, wet backward sets with almost no special effects or cgi (BSG 2, Continuum, Defiance, etc). There would be no distinction between good guys and bad guys. They would all be bad. I won't turn up the brightness on my tv to watch it. I'll pass.


That is generic sexist thinking. The recent Star Trek movies did not do that.


Has nothing to do with sexist. Reboots make changes for the sake of change. Recent ST movies made Spock and Uhura into lovers. The new release is taking Sulu out of the closet, so yes, recent ST movies have done that. TV and movies today are much darker and foreboding than they once were. A new BR with lighthearted flirting and humor would never get past the first page before it is rejected.


Leave Buck alone. This actually was a reboot of the 1930's movie serial.


When I saw GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY one of the first things I thought of is this is how Buck should be rebooted. Into a world with really interesting alien planets and ships, zero g effects, many unusual alien creatures and environments. All the things that a 1970s era tv show with a very limited budget could not have.

Considering how long it may take by the time we finally do get a remake it will possibly have EVEN BETTER effects than Guardians since every few years special fx improve noticeably.


The original movie was pretty grim. A reboot kept in that format might have some appeal, especially if they can show a sense of awe and wonder as opposed to campy schmaltzy music with jokes. Appealing to whole families is tricky to do, and I liked it as a kid and understand a lot more subtle suggestive dirty jokes as an adult. The TV show that followed the theatrical movie had been retooled to be more optimistic and cheery, at least for its first reason, but I can see why some wanted the show to be more serious - the potential is clearly there.


Part of what made ROBOCOP so good was that he does not become Robocop until about a half hour into the 2 hour movie. We experience him as a real person first.

Well if a remake of Buck is done he needs to spend some time in the early 21st century (obviously the dates will need updating) and the catastrophe that causes him to be cryonically frozen for a few centuries needs to be shown not just alluded to in passing like in the original.
