
I think this movie is fantastic, and deserves a serious re-evaluation. However, some scenes keep it from being top-notch Altman.

For me, the big failure is the movie's climactic scene immediately after the car crash. When the groom's father and bride's mother start arguing about money, and wedding guests, etc -- even as they think that their children have just died. The scene rings so false and flat, and you can really feel, for one of the few times in the film, the actors trying so hard to improvise.

Then, when Dino and Muffy arrive and everyone is relieved, they express no surprise that their two friends have died.

Just wanted to get that off my chest! (I've just watched the movie on the Movies! cable channel.)


You're right. I love Altman and truly adore A Wedding every time I watch it, but there are some moments where I was asking myself "What was Altman thinking?" My biggest pet peeve scene is in the sequence in which Dina Merrill reveals to her family what has happened to Lilian Gish's character. This scene contains perhsps a dozen people, so I suppose Altman thought it would cut down on audience confusion about who was speaking by having his characrers speak by standing up. This staging was worthy of a junior high school production.
