Deodato Cannibal Trilogy

So I just got done watching the Shriek Show released version of Jungle Holocaust and at the begining there is an introduction with the director Deodato. He claims Jungle Holocaust is the first film in a cannibal trilogy that he has done. I am guessing Cannibal Holocaust is also apart of this trilogy, but does anyone know the title of the third film?

Thanks for any help.


Yeah, the last would be "Cut and Run." You're welcome.


Yeah, the last would be "Cut and Run." You're welcome.

I bought that one on DVD. A double feature with Dead End Drive-In. I don't really care as much for Cannibal Holocaust, which turned me off from buying it a couple times. But the DVD was under ten dollars, and it stars Richard Lynch and Michael Berryman.


Yeah, I saw that double feature DVD too.


Yeah, I saw that double feature DVD too.

I watched the movie. It has more of a story and less gore than Cannibal Holocaust, which I think is a good thing. But the on again off again Italian got on my nerves. The cut footage wasn't really all that bad with the gore in some areas, but apparently they were cut from the North American release.


I can see how you wouldn't like Cannibal Holocaust but I loved it. I haven't really sat down to watch Cut and Run yet but I will probably do so within the next week or so. I actually watched Jungle Holocaust last night and I still love it. When I see Cut and Run I will let you know what I think.


Cut and run isn't a cannibal film. I think that the third installment will be the new 2009 movie he's doing.

Chris "Pillsberry" Gottschalk


completely right, cut and run does have cannibal-looking natives and tons of violence, but no actual cannibalism occurs in that movie, the "cannibal trilogy" is as of yet unfinished, although imdb does list the third installment as being in "pre-production," but this movie has been in "pre-production" for 8 years now, so take that with a grain of salt
