MovieChat Forums > Thank God It's Friday (1978) Discussion > Is this what the 70's were like?

Is this what the 70's were like?

Is this what the 70's were like? Wow everything was weird then. I've seen the tv show Chips, but this was a full on hit of the 70's in my friend & my face. Really weird, but would be fun for a theme party. Just unreal.

*Current Cho Chang Fan*


Cool eh?


The 70's were INSANE! But fun!


I remember being annoyed with disco music at first in the 70's. All the popular radio stations were playing it nonstop, and every time I turned around, another of my old favorite songs had been rerecorded in a disco arrangement. Then I joined the crowd and took a dance class to learn the hustle. That changed everything. I started really enjoying the music and got excited every time another oldie was transformed into disco. I tuned my car radio to the disco stations and bought disco tapes for my cassette deck (8-track was becoming obsolete by then). As I drove and listened, I would picture the dance moves I could do to whatever was playing, instead of concentrating on my driving.

The problem with the hustle was that you really needed a steady partner to practice the tricky moves with. It was a full-on couples dance with lots of interaction. Many people didn't care to go to the effort to learn how to dance that way. A couple dancing solo together just didn't look good with people around them doing fancy hustle maneuvers, which probably contributed to disco's eventual decline in popularity.



I was a kid living in Valdosta, Georgia when this came out that summer and it was the HOTTEST movie around...everyone wanted the soundtrack! It was a fun, carefree time for sure!

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/lover™ since 1980.


I just watched this movie with my dad. We had a blast watching it. He saw it in theatres when it first came out (he was 17) and hasn't seen it since but he still remembered everything that happened. I've always been really into 70s music (mostly rock) and this movie was hilarious. I thought it might be another Xanadu, but I really enjoyed it.

Mocking Greenly Productions


Thank God It's Friday was an exaggeration like all movies and TV but the 70's were fun NOT WEIRD. If you ask me things ARE WEIRD NOW with all these idiots with a cell phone plastered to their ear and ordering sex on the internet like pizza. Back then you HAD to have some social skills to get laid not anymore all you need is a nude pic and a computer so NOW WHICH ERA IS WEIRD?


Some things sure were hard to come by back then, lol.



You go, girl and/or boy!

The '70s were a wonderful time to grow up, full of promise, awkwardness, community and, yes, disco and drugs. Sure, this movie is dopey, but more than anything, it's fun -- just like the decade. In the Zoo club in this film, you had all classes, ethnicities and sexualities mingling and getting to know one another (or at least trying).

Today it's all about MyFacebook or Twatter or whatever those highfalutin sites are where you hook up with "rebels" to compare tattoos and chat about "reality" TV.

I'm proud to have grown up in the stoopid '70s, and if that makes me weird, I proudly fly my freak flag and defy anyone to burn it. Keep on truckin'!


I didn't even make it into my teens by the end of the 70's, but I do remember my mom wearing clothes like the ones in the movie, driving a car (Datsun! lol) like one I saw, teaching me how to do the hustle and going to a party I shouldn't have been at where there was a man wearing a gorilla, I guess it's safe to say, that's probably exactly what the 70's were like!! LOL

Wish life was more like that NOW!!! :-)



I was only 9 by the end of the 70's, but, i can go for those days again.


Me and my friends used to actually go to a disco called "The Crazy Banana" in Houston in late '77/'78. There was a guy dressed in a gorilla costume who used to come out in rollerskates and skate around the dance floor and go around messing with the hot chicks! It was hilarious (especially when you were drunk!). That was back when the dance floor was for dancing. Lately, when I've been to clubs, the twentysomething people just stop dancing and sort of stand around right on the dance floor, like they couldn't care less about dancing. I guess most people now just don't get into the music anymore.


Great story. A disco gorilla on roller skates 🤣 Don’t get more ‘70s than that.


I was a child then but, yes this is real. I long for these days. The soundtrack reminds me so much of my youth.


Me too, the soundtrack is classic!




You like disco but not raves?

