MovieChat Forums > The Swarm (1978) Discussion > 1978 was a baaaaaaad year for Irwin Alle...

1978 was a baaaaaaad year for Irwin Allen

Besides the agony of "The Swarm", Irwin's TV project for 1978 -- the CBS mini-series "The Return of Captain Nemo" was equally horrendously bad and also had dialogue that made the limited series a laugh-riot. Jose Ferrer was cast as the famous sub Captain, with Burgess Meredith playing an over-the-top mad scientist. The effects were pathetic and the acting (dispite the impressive cast) was torturous to watch. Unbelievably, Irwin had the series composer copy some "Star Wars" cues whenever there was an undersea laser battle! Actually, I wish Warner Bros. would release the series in it's foreign format (renamed "Amazing Capt. Nemo") which was edited down into a feature-length film. Or perhaps Warners could issue a special DVD featuring "The Swarm" and "Capt. Nemo": two embarrassing, career-killing productions within the same packaging!
