MovieChat Forums > The Swarm (1978) Discussion > Why did Dr. Krim shoot smack?

Why did Dr. Krim shoot smack?

Given that the city was about to be attacked by a ginormous swarm of killer bees, I found it to be a pretty inappropriate time to spike one's vein. I thought he'd try to figure out a way to wipe out the bees, but instead he opted to chase the dragon. How selfish! In fact, shooting that hot dose was just another in a long line of incredibly selfish acts he committed throughout the film, such as...making people carry him around, look at his bowties, change his diapers, etc.


Seriously, am I the only one who took umbrage with Dr. Krim riding a horse of China white outta town just as the bees were bearing down?


Yes, you are the only one.

Now, go do something worthwhile like writing a dissertation on the virtues of SSSSSSS.
