Someone has started a petition to get Irwin Allen's Movie..."When Time Ran Out" On DVD, Could You Please Sign It?

It is located at:



Good as done, cause I REALLY want this on DVD!

You get Superman in a truckstop men's room, you won't need kryptonite to bring him to his knees!"


When Time Ran Out is about people who flee from a resort after a volcano erupts and the lava starts cooking everything in its path. I wonder if Dante's Peak and Volcano were homages to WTRO?

In one of the original scripts for Beyond the Poseidon Adventure, the survivors from the first film are trapped in a train tunnel during a cave in. I wonder if this was inspiration for Daylight?


When Time Ran Out is available on DVD. I watched it just last week. It is the theatrical version which is about 30 to 45 minutes shorter than the VHS copy I watched about 15 or so years ago. It is available from Amazon and Netflicks.

You're young, you're drunk, you're in bed, you have knives; s**t happens.-Angelina Jolie


No. Inspiration for "Daylight" was the made-for-TV disaster film, "Short Walk to Daylight" where NYC gets hit by a massive earthquake and people trapped in the subway system under the East River struggle to get to the surface. Starred a young James Brolin, and Don Mitchell. I bought a bootlge DVD on ebay recently. It is not yet commerically available from Universal. It was very well-done for a TV movie of this scope.
