Forever a classic

no film today with all the fancy lame CGI will ever top this


Christopher Reeve's portrayal of Superman will be difficult to surpass. That is the one aspect of this movie that will forever elude any future incarnation of the Man of Steel.


Brandon Routh was a better Superman than Christopher Reeve.


Debatable, but I disagree.


Reeve really did nothing much to obtain being called the best Superman except pose like an action figure. Routh had more emotional layers to his version and personified a Superman who was flawed but put his personal feelings aside to protect others. Something Henry Cavill's Superman doesn't live by in the newer films.


Routh did a perfect imitation of Reeve's Clark Kent; but he didn't originate it. What's missing with Routh is the burning intelligence behind the eyes that makes Reeve such a compelling Superman.


That, and the score. That score is iconic and every Superman movie without it is worse for the absence.


It's already been topped with Man of Steel the only decent Superman to ever be put on screen.


Thanks for sharing your opinion, but Man of Steel portrayed Superman in a way, that he had never been portrayed since his creators came up with him in 1938. He lacked any fun, excitement, and hope. It wasn't "decent", it was different.


I don't mind modern cgi, I really enjoyed the recent Jurassic World movie which relied a lot on that. To me the reason this film wont be beaten is because the stories and screenplays today are just not as good as the original.
