I never realized

It may sound very strange to say, but growing up I never realized that this story had anything to do with Christmas.
I am not a Christian, and as a small child I was not very familiar with the Nativity story, so I did not know who it was who bought Small One at the end. I always just thought it was a story about a boy who finally managed to find a good home for his donkey. I had it on VHS and could watch it whenever I wanted, so I never even noticed that it was only shown around Christmas time.
When I was a bit older I heard it referred to as a Christmas story, and I became better acquainted with the Nativity story so I was able to make the connection.
I am an adult now, and I still have my old VHS and I'll pop it in from time to time. It is such a truly lovely and heartwarming story. I am fully able now to appreciate the spiritual significance, and I can still enjoy the story of simply finding a good person to take care of Small One.

"The unicorn lived in a lilac wood, and she lived all alone..." ~ The Last Unicorn


Since my mother is a devout Christian, I was familiar with Bible stories from a very early age, so that wasn't a problem for me. Not to mention how I didn't have the movie, but I had a audio casette and a book with the story, where it was clearly stated, that it was Mary and Joseph, as in Jesus's parents, who became the donkey's new owners.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!
