18 rating?

What's up with that? This film is mild enough to be a 12.


Its rated PG here in the States, and that includes the entire Snake vs Cat scene! 18? Thats proposterous!

"Because anything else would be uncivilized."
-Hulk Hogan, Old Spice commercial


I think it is because of that one scene actually knowing how tight animal cruelty laws are here.


A lot of martial arts movies seem to be Rated 18 in the UK even though they are nowhere near that bad.Back in the 70's, the UK asked a lot of movies to remove the nunchucks shown in movies such as "Enter The Dragon".They rated martial arts movies too strictly back then.


I think an 18 is too strong, especially given what passes for a 15 these days! I love this film and I would've been fine watching it as a child. I think the scene with the cat and cobra was cut on the DVD I have as no cruelty is shown.

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"

