
Maybe this is a stupid question, but I thought I'd ask anyway. In the scene where Clouseau, wearing a dress and believed to be the bank robbing transvestite, is taken to the insane asylum, he is confronted by an insane man played by Andrew Sachs who says that his name is "Hercule" and that he is "the greatest detective in France". He acts all looney in front of Clouseau, and then gets dragged away.

My question is, just who is this guy? Initially, I thought perhaps he was Hercule Lovejoy, Clouseau's assistant from A SHOT IN THE DARK, now driven insane -- but that seems unlikely, especially given the amount of time between the two films being made. In addition, the IMDB lists his character as "Hercule Poirot" -- who, if I'm not mistaken, was the famous French detective created by Agatha Christie.

So my question is, just who the HELL is this "Hercule" guy?



If you listen carefully the guard restraining Sachs does say "calm down monsieur Poirot" so Sachs is indeed playing the famous detective. Although its a blooper that has gone unnoticed as Agatha Christie's detective wasn't French but was in fact Belgian.


Clouseau's assistant in A Shot in the Dark was Hercule LAJOY, and not Reverend LOVEJOY from The Simpsons...


actually, i would not say it's a blooper that's gone unnoticed... instead, i'd call it a part of a running joke... in almost all of the Poirot mysteries, there is invariably a part where someone calls him French and he corrects them and tells them he's Belgian... i think the Panther folks were just poking a bit of fun, which is kinda their game anyway, eh?



It's a crazy guy who believes he is "The Greatest Detective in the World", Hercule Poirot. He gets insulted because Clouseau says he is the Greatest Detective. So, the guy is not Lovejoy, but just a crazy person who thinks he's Poirot.
Those who think they are always right are annoying to those of us who are.


It's LAJOY, dumbass!!!!

you arrived home, found Miguel with Maria Gambrelli, and killed him in a rit of fealous jage!


The actor who played Hercule LaJoy, Graham Stark, actually appears in this movie, only as Professor Balls.


Its LAJOY dumbas... oh you got it right
