Nudity is exaggerated

Who keeps exaggerating the nudity in the parents guide section? Looks like I have to edit it again. I am really disturbed by the perverted men on the internet claiming you can see Violet's genitals in this. You can't. Get over it. Go watch a movie that has a nude woman who is of legal age. There are plenty. Looking at the tons of men on the internet who enjoy pausing this movie over and over at certain parts, it just goes to show that pedophilia is a bigger problem than we make it out to be. Why does a grown man have any business seeing an 11 year old girl's vagina and why does he want to? You men get upset about the movies that show nude boys, but why would this be okay?

For the record, during the tub scene when Violet jumps up, she does it so quickly that I don't see how you would be able to make out genitals even if the bottom of the screen shows more in the full screen or wide screen version....whichever it is. During the scene where she is getting photographed her leg is covering her crotch. You don't see her see a shadow.


Well I don't know what you were watching but I saw clit and vag.


I was in shock when I read about this movie earlier. Your comment made me download the movie to verify. There's nothing explicit in it. What vag?

Even if there was, while unusual, it's okay. Just nudity, no sex.



Yes, you can, in both those scenes. People have created slo-mo and freeze-frames of the tub scene, and you unequvocably see her pubic cleft. In the couch scene it is harder to spot but still there, and not a shadow (if it were, amazing how that shadow just happens to make a line that looks just like her pubic cleft...)
