Normally I thinkg remakes suck, some movies just shouldn't be remade like Amittyville, Pyscho, or Texas Chainsaw Massacare, but they happen. This movie cries out to be remade, you can just do more in this then you could do with the Jurrasic Park films.


I agree. It should be a film that isn't afraid to make fun of itself though. As long as it isn't taken to seriously I think it could be a fun movie.


I'd LOVE a remake!

As long as they keep all the inaccurate dinosaurs, otherwise, no deal.

I don't want some realistic (i.e. BORING) Tyrannosaurus that ISN'T 50 ft tall and DOESN'T kill everything in sight. That would ruin it.

Oh yeah, and they've got to have the chicks in the bikinis too.



No. Just, no.


This film doesn't need a remake. It's fine the way it is. A remake would be all slicked-up with plastic model stars and a load of fancy CGI effects. What makes this movie so engaging is its very rawness; the rough-around-the-edges quality of this picture is part and parcel to its funky 70's charm.

I enjoy keeping busy. Satan finds work for idle hands.


No, because it's a cult classic! Leave that film alone!


ultramatt2000-1 i agree!!!


Normally I'm against remakes, but in this case, I don't mind one more shot at it. Any dinosaur movie is welcome (though preferably good ones).


There is a Rifftrax version. That's enough remake.
