Cool movie

No topics yet about this trash-classic from the infamous Roger Corman "factory" of cool B-stuff?

Man, I really love this flick. Joe Dante already showed his directing talent here which made 80s "classics" like "Gremlins 1+2", "Innerspace" and "The 'burbs" possible. Good director that man!

And I love the mix of horror and comedy that later became one of Dante's trademarks. And somehow "Piranha" is even scarier than Spielberg's "Jaws", although "Jaws" is without a doubt the better directed movie of those two. Would you choose to be eaten up at once by a big jaw or slowly getting ripped by thousands of small, mean piranhas? I think the answer's easy, huh? ;)

This calls for some divine intervention!


Yeah, where's the love for Piranha? A definite favorite of mine. I remember watching this film in the first grade as part of the old "Mother Nature Strikes Back" week on Fox (before it became "Fox".)


I just watch it a couple nights ago and I was quite surpised how great it was.

It never had a dull moment and the acting & script for a b-grade film was really good.

Another great film produced by Roger Corman.

''Me, Ambivalent? Well, yes and no.''
