3 out of 10


I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


This really is a pretty dismal movie so I'd give it a 3 outta 10 too.

Still its well filmed and susan penhaligon's acting is so bad its good. Don't be expecting a thriller or a horror but it's good if you can't sleep and want to be bored to sleep in the middle!


On the theme of killers who use psychic projection as their modus operandi, Psychic Killer is even worse than this one, while The Brood is much better.


I enjoy Psychic Killer, but then I'm a bad movie fan. Another 70s projection type flick is The Astral Factor.


I like it, and find it actually a bit scary compared to so many other movies at the time. Best with Goblin soundtrack



I thought this film was okay. The cast do their best with a blah script, Brian May's lush orchestral score manages to be effectively eerie without ever becoming obtrusive or overbearing, and Don McAlpine's crisp cinematography boasts several clever and impressive visuals. However, the draggy pace and rambling narrative prevent this movie from seriously cooking the way that it should. 5 out of 10 from me.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Yeah I gave it a 4 too. Draggy. Great first 25 minutes. The similar movie with Burton was a lot better.



Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


I found it very dull


"Patrick" holds a special place in my heart. It was the first movie I watched when my father subscribed to HBO in December 1980. I had the displeasure of seeing it again recently. It's actually quite slow and boring and completely lacking in suspense.
