
Give me a break, why a 5.6????? I've started to watch a whole bunch of ozplotation films awhile ago and have to stay this is one of the best films in this forgotten yet rediscovered genre.

I give this film a 7 out of 10.

Also go check out Not Quite Hollywood. Its one of the best documentaries i've seen for a long time if your interested in this genre.


...Also go check out Not Quite Hollywood. Its one of the best documentaries I've seen for a long time if your interested in this genre.

Not Quite Hollywood is what got me interested in Ozploitation films. I doff my trousers to Mark Hartley for making it. At least, I would if I was wearing any.


I remember seeing just a few shots of the comatose guy when I was a kid, and it stuck with me. Rewatching it now and it's good. The acting and overall production is ridiculously good, considering the small budget and number of sets/locations it has, "ozsploitation" or not.


You'll be pleased to hear it's up to 6.1 now.


Still at 6.1 three years later!

I just saw it for the first time this week and loved it. I've started the 2013 remake and already it has too many annoying false scares. Hope it gets better.
