MovieChat Forums > The Clonus Horror Discussion > This is one of the funniest MST3K episod...

This is one of the funniest MST3K episodes

You have Peter Graves (movie bookend), the second guy from Bewitched, the Battle of the Hollywood Reject Stars as the clones, Col. Bat Guano from Dr. Strangelove and a very cheesy plot. The funniest quote is when President-wanna-be Peter Graves comes to his brother's house to silence opposition to the clone horror, and the bro opens the door: "Some coffee, for your thugs?"


"Now let's put out our crotch fires and find your nose."


This is our ool, notice there's no P in it! And the scene where the guy gets out of the pool and walks toward the camera, and Servo shouts "whatever did we do to you?


My favorite is Servo doing the gun sound followed by "Ow!" for about five minutss straight. Seriously, the clone took two gun shots, and he acted like they were scratches. Hilarious!

"Things fall down. People look up. And when it rains, it pours." - Magnolia


One of my fave MST3K episodes

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS
