Timothy Bottoms was very sexy and sweet

I have this tape from the library and haven't returned it for months. I just watched it yet again last night. The scene where Timothy/John tried to help them get unstuck from the river crossing is hilarious. The expressions on his face when he is trying to act cool while he is dripping wet is wonderful. And then you can see later how his cool persona was really not himself when he becomes really shy around Jill. The scene at the bar before he picks up the woman in white where he gives a heavy sigh, really shows his discomfort and sadness at being alone. The whole love scene in the hotel is just wonderful. This kind of lead romantic actor and type of lead romantic character is virtually extinct today.


I agree 100%, jrails. Though the real John Boothe was reportedly a bit of a jerk and a bigot, Timothy Bottoms laid the young but manly romance on in a way that was heaven to watch. You're right, I'd be hard pressed to name a contemporary young actor playing a similar male romantic lead. Maybe Ryan Gosling in The Notebook? Happily, Bottoms is still around and, in his late 50s, is quite the silver fox. He's still popping up on the small screen and in indie movies, but I'd love to see him in a lead role again, something other than 'That's My Bush!'


He was lead in the Paper Chase, a great movie.

