MovieChat Forums > The Norseman (1979) Discussion > Filmed in Newport Richie, FL (sic)

Filmed in Newport Richie, FL (sic)

"The Norseman" had already been tagged as a supreme turkey when it was included in the Medved Brothers' book, "The Golden Turkey Awards". But after watching some of this on TV, then reading the IMDB page that states that this epic was filmed in and around Tampa, it must be said that the production's rating moves down still another notch below the already-low grade the critics have given it.
This, BTW, is the film that features Vikings standing on a beach in 11th-Century America, while a 20th-Century tanker sails along in the distance.
I'll have to remember the above fact the next time I visit the Sunshine State and am tooling along Route 19 in my rental car. If I happen to see a Viking coming out of Winn-Dixie with a shopping cart filled with ribs and charcoal, I won't be at all surprised.
