A bloody mess

Bad acting, plodding narrative, cheap special effects – yet I found this moderately entertaining, with views of a San Francisco that vanished long ago. 4/10 stars from me.


I loved this film's presentation of the whole horror film fan scene back in the 1970's. I did a double take when Malakai signed autographs for fans for FREE (!). Nowadays celebrity guests at horror cons charge upwards of thirty to fifty bucks (and sometimes even more than that -- Adam West, cough cough!) just for their John Hancock on something alone. And if you want a photo with someone, that's an extra twenty to twenty-five bucks. Once upon a time horror conventions were primarily about a bunch of fellow fright film buffs gathering together to share a mutual passion and enthusiasm for their beloved genre. Alas, it's now more about making money than anything else. This film does astutely nail a bygone period when horror conventions had a certain purity and innocence to them. Sadly, that lovely moment in time is long over.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!
