How did you discover this movie?

How did you discover this movie?


I was 20 when it hit the theaters. ;-)

And now for something completely different...


Yep, if you were anywhere between 10 and 30 when it came out, there was no need for discovery at was a phenomena.

Hard to imagine today because the genre it set is so prevalent, but Animal House was a very new, different and exciting beast when it came out.


I was 21 and in college...we actually did have toga parties lol.


I was in college at the time.


saw it on the first release day in 1978 in a packed theater in a afternoon showing.


I was twelve (eighteen now) and it was on tv; my dad said it was a funny movie. So, we watched it together. It was edited though and I was young so I didn't "get" it until I saw it unedited a few years later.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


Word of mouth. I was 13 when I saw it in the theatre with a buddy who was also 13. Those days in BC, Canada there were only 3 movie ratings, General, Mature, and Restricted. Animal House was rated Mature, which meant you could see it without a parent or guardian as long as you were 13 or older.
I got to see this and the likes of The Blues Brothers, Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke and Next Movie, Caddyshack, Life of Brian, and many more I can't think of right now.
God I loved growing up in this country!

Oh spiffing. Absolutely spiffing. Well done. Two dead, twenty-five to go.
-Basil Fawlty


I was 10 when it was released, saw it on regular TV a few years later (edited) didn't really like it at the time. Then in 84-85 I saw it un-edited with a few friends and was hooked immediately. Then we watched it over and over, memorizing every line.


Saw it in 1978 with the "boyfriend du jour" who was in a frat when he was in college. We were a few years removed from the college scene, so it was fun to watch and think about the stupid stuff we did in college.

"What we need here is more cowbell!"...Christopher Walken


I was a kid when it came out in theaters, but I remember hearing how wild and hilarious it was. Then they started showing it on TV, and that's when I first saw it, and it became one of my all-time favorite movies.


Well, Animal House was in its original theatrical release during the summer between my junior and senior years of high school, sooooo ..........

No real "discovering" was needed. You couldn't miss it. ;-)



Saw it on TV the first time. Yeah, it was edited but was able to understand some of the jokes. At the time, Belushi had just died but I was a little too young to sort of get involved in that.
